3 Things to Keep in Mind when Going for a Home Wine Cellar Restoration
There comes a time when our home wine cellars lose their earlier charm. Be it in terms of storage or design or style, they seem to have turned outdated and old while lacking the modern functionality. This is when we plan to go for a new wine cellar. But wait, that is not necessary. Why? It is because Wine Cellars of Houston brings its highly efficient restoration services for all of your home wine cellars in Houston.
However, now that you know you can opt for wine cellar restoration and bring back the early charm of your old wine cellars, there are some other things that you need to keep in mind as well. These things will help you make effective changes in your design that will increase the age of your wine cellars big time.
Here are 3 important things to keep in mind when going for a wine cellar:
- Go for metal over wood: The main reason for this is wood absorbs the vibration it is faced with and sends them to the bottles. This can have adverse effects on the taste and aging process of the wines to the point of ruining the aroma altogether. Moreover, in times of heavy movements like heavy vehicles passing nearby, the wood in your home wine cellars cannot conform to the bottles and they can easily roll over and shatter on the floor.
- Make use of two-bottle-deep method: This method involves having your wall mounted wine racks built in such a that the wine bottles would have to be lifted two inches in order to be brought out. This further decreases the risks of the bottles falling out in case of small earthquakes.
- Get Custom: Wine Cellars of Houston offers custom wine cellar and wine rack designs perfectly suited to your home space. Hence, you don’t need to go for pre-built wine storage systems. The plus point of a custom wine storage is that you have the option of adding more space in the future.