Two Effective Ways to Find How Big a Wine Cellar Do You Need
While opting for a wine cellar, what matters the most is the size. This is because the size takes into consideration the space available and the number of bottles you have and the number of bottles you shall be having in the not too distant future. If all this makes you think harder, then you have come to the right place. Welcome to Wine cellars of Houston.
Wine cellars of Houston designs and creates the best wine cellars in Houston, Texas along with repair and restoration services. We also provide suggestions to help you determine the average size of wine cellar suited to your wines and as well as your home décor. However, in order to give yourself a better idea about the size of wine cellars suited to your space, there are several effective ways.
Here are 2 ways to understand how big a wine cellar you need:
- Large-Size collections: If you are planning to go for a big wine cellar, then it will probably do you good if you look 10 to 20 years into the future. This will help you decide upon the size better. There is a formula to know how much space you need: N x Y + C
N = avg. Number of bottles to be bought every year
Y = Years bottles will stay in cellar
C = Current number of bottles
Once you have the final average wine cellar bottle number for wine cellar rack, add about 20 percent so that you always have room for more. Wine Cellars of Houston will suggest you with the various options available accordingly for the number of bottles for your League City Tx Wine Cellars.
- Niche-Size collections: If you are more inclined towards having a niche collection of a handful of exquisite wines, an average 25 square feet of area shall do the job. The most important thing is to focus on a wine cellar dimension that utilizes your space to the fullest while letting you check and find your wines easily. Opting for Wine Cellars of Houston will help you put your small space into effective use by turning it into a customized wine cellar racking system.
- Year-long collections: If you don’t plan on keeping your wines for a long term, don’t opt for designing a wine cellar on the first place! All you need is a temporary storage solution, like a wine rack, and it will be more than enough to keep your wines in good condition for at least a year.
Just remember to maintain optimum temperature levels as without that, the wines would just start getting degraded at a faster pace.
Added to that, also consider twice before investing in a big wine cellar rack. If you’re not interested in collecting, save on the extra costs of designing a wine rack, and use any rack that you may find abandoned in your home!
Keeping the 2 above points in mind will help you a lot in giving your space the perfect Wine Cellars in Houston. Moreover, going for Wine Cellars of Houston will give a variety of options to choose from along with recommendations on cooling units as well. To know more or to avail of our services, dial 281-271-7045 today.