Does Your Wine Cellar Include These Security Features?
If you are reading this blog, you surely are a wine lover. You may know everything about preserving wine and have a fantastic wine cellar at home to flaunt your collections.
But, do you know that investing in intricate wine cellar designs is not all? You need to be equally mindful of the security features of the storage option apart from selecting the wine cellar designs for your home. Remember that investing in a wine cellar with a ubiquitous design is not all. Just as you enjoy sipping fine wine, you need to pay heed to adequate security of the cellar regardless of where you are. If you need to install the best security measures for your wine cellar, connect with Wine Cellars of Houston. We have been into designing cellars since 1998 in Houston Texas and are unstoppable till today. Trust us for designing a personal wine cellar with appropriate security features.
Here are the security measures to protect a custom wine rack from intruders:

Insert A Lock And Key
The basic step to ensure that your wine cellar stays protected is installing a simple lock and key. Don’t worry about the installation process of the new cellar as our experts generally take some extra time during installation and deliver the peace of mind that your collections are protected from any menace.

Protecting The Bottles
Well, if you do not want to disturb the structure of a built-in custom wine cellar design, you can try this new technique, which is fast gaining popularity. Try using the bottle locks for each one in your collection and stop people from opening the bottle out of curiosity. It becomes more important if you own some of the most precious wines from different parts of the world. The bottle lock is easy to install and all you need is a key-hole option or a combination lock. No matter what your personal preferences are when choosing a cellar design, make sure you have a security feature installed.
Prevent Unauthorized Access

The more fascinating your wine cellar design, the more exposed it is to the prying eyes. Therefore, you can install cameras around the cellar to make sure that you know what is happening around the cellar. Connect the camera to your smartphone to monitor the cellar no matter where you are and note the time as well. Alternatively, you may ensure that the wine storage option also comes with built-in sensors that also track any movement around the cellar and send a notification to your mobile phone immediately.
Fire Protection

Imagine you have a wine cellar under stairs that catches fire accidentally. Now watching your precious collections being engulfed by a ravaging fire is a cause of heartbreak and sheer wastage of money. So, try to install sprinklers inside the cellar and stay assured about the security of your cellar. Regardless of the size of your collection and the expensive design of the wine cellar or wine racking system, security features play a significant role in protecting the wines.
At Wine Cellars of Houston, we offer complete assistance for building modern wine cellars based on your budget. If you are in Houston, Texas, and need to get quotes for wine cellar designs, call 281-271-7045 / 281-787-0783 to speak to us today.